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Replatforming Assessment

Whether through live whiteboard sessions or virtual meetings, join Jay Topper as he discusses your current state, addresses key challenges, and explore hypotheses for sequencing outcome-based changes. 

What to expect: We’ll think of your CX flow from pre-sales activities, marketing, the stores and all post-sales activities, and we can focus as broad or narrow as you desire. While fabric plays primarily in the stores and post-sales space, MarTech and marketing metrics/stacks, supply chain and customer services should/could be included for a complete picture. If fabric is a potential fit, we will certainly highlight that, but this engagement is platform- and vendor-agnostic.

Timeline: We’ll schedule a one-hour discovery call, follow up with a few deeper dives, and work together to understand your needs. Expect to devote 4-8 hours in total. 

Deliverable: The deliverable will be an executive-ready deck you can use to pitch to your executive sponsor. 

Cost: $0

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